Mad Max: Fury Road narrates a truck trip for 2 hours. Ok, this description doesn't sound very appealing...What if I told you that this truck is being hunted by crazy fanatic guys guided by a demented leader in a post-apocalyptic desert? Sounds more fun right? The absurd in the movie is always done smartly, Fury Road is an action movie but is deeply poetic and will take you on a journey through its visuals.

The main characteristic of Fury Road is its action sequences. For some, these scenes are excessively present. In reality, everything is developed around action and it becomes the essence of the movie. Fury Road will thrill you from beginning to end with its high-speed pursuits. This movie is absurd but in the right way, everything is designed to make you feel the insanity of the antagonists. Some sequences will probably make you wonder what you’re looking at. This includes a suspended blind man playing a flame-throwing guitar on a high-speed vehicle.

Mad Max: Fury Road is one of the greatest action movies ever put to screen. Action scenes are awesome and breathtaking, characters are badass and the movie itself is mad. Fury Road will make you want to put flame-throwers on your car and drive it around at high speed while listening to metal.
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