Réponse de femmes (Notre corps, notre sexe)
Réponse de femmes (Notre corps, notre sexe)

Court-métrage documentaire de Agnès Varda (1975)

Interesting, fun, large enough for its short duration, still relevant and rather logical (except for the use of the word "femininity" and some tiny lapses that kind of fester the idea of supposed differences between sexes, despite the opposite being stated elsewhere in the film).

Score: 7/10
Plaisir: 5/5

Being a woman means inhabiting a woman's body."

Nothing more. Sex means little to what kind of person someone is.

The film having been made more than 30 years ago means we can also enjoy the (re)discovery of what was allowed to be shown on screens and in advertisements and what was not back then and take note of the "progression" of the 90s and 2000s in that domain.


Of course, like all films before and after this one, it has NOT "aged" but some people from the XXIst century can't seem to be able to distanciate themselves from their era's "trendy beliefs".

PS: although not as fun as the essay itself, the internet comments (everywhere) about the lack of diversity in fatness and colour of skin and the supposed way it excludes the newly trendy genders concept (as opposed to sex) are funny too.
(If only we could live long enough to see how those reactions and/or films following this last trend will be "judged" under future trends.)

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Cet utilisateur l'a également mis dans ses coups de cœur et l'a ajouté à sa liste Les meilleurs films d'Agnès Varda


le 16 janv. 2021

Critique lue 103 fois

2 j'aime

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 103 fois


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