Maybe you were just young at the time of the Prequels, but they literally DID "spit in the face of ALL THE TIME put into building the Star wars universe." ...Not to mention Star Wars fans too. Those movies just sucked!I had to assume you were 12 at the time. Midichlorians pissed everyone off. They were trying to explain something that never needed explaining, and was damaging through the attempt. There is a distinct reason why it was never brought up again in further movies, because this one was literally a huge fan frustration.

A Star Wars Fan on a Social Network in 2018

Back in 1999; I was 19 years old, my mother didn't knew internet exists, and I started using internet around 2003-4. Back in 2001, I just had my first Xbox (the one with the crappy pad), and my friends and I use to play RPG. Not video game RPG, but tabletop RPG. One of my friends owned the official SW RPG, the one of the early 90's which refers to the Original Trilogy, with Moncalamari, Wookies, and Ewoks.

When Episode 1 came out, he enjoyed the movie (as many SW fans back in the day) and so he introduced Midichlorians in our scenario, because he wanted his Star Wars to be "up to date". He was not pissed about it in the slightest, and I will explain you why.

"Your ancestor called it Magic, you Call it Science".

This quote is extracted from the worst MCU movie I ever saw, which is called "Thor" (2011). In this very crappy movie, it "states the obvious". In our "real world", they are people who believe in Adam and Eve. A myth which is even older than the Holy Bible itself.

In the scandinavian mythology, they are blue prints of "two people, Lif and Lifprasir, repopulating the earth after Ragnarok". Some scientists see this as fallacy and leads to a controversy (I suggest you to read Ragnarok wikipedia for more explanation).

In the Summerian mythology, there is a poem of Enki and Ninuhrsag which is at least 4000 years old (way older than the Bible).

But nowdays, there are also people who are scientists who reject this myth (wether its true or not) and try to understand how we, humans, were created. The Darwin evolutionist approach is the track the scientist community follows. However, the very concept of the Science is to not "Believe in something", which means maybe in 2000 years, the Darwinist theory will be perceived by scientists as laughable as the "Earth is totally flat" (which was common knowledge/consensus back in the 10th century).

Midichlorians doesn't spit on the face of anyone, SW fans included. It just explains, that, in the world, some people have a scientist approach (like the jedi of the old republic), and some have a mystical approach (like the jedi of the original trilogy), and none of them are "correct". They just all look for answers by different means.

The main problem is when some integrist starts to make his view point on the origins of humans (or The Force, or whatever) more believable than another one. The Mithraists (an indo-iranian cult which started 1500 years before Christ) has been persecuted by the Christians in the 4th century because they believe in other things. Because they understood the world differently. And that my friend, is very sad.

Back in 1999; people were more open minded about Star Wars, "science" and "mysticism" than nowdays... And internet was not plagged by dumb social networks, (which are more network, than social), since Mark Zuckerberg started his whole shit in 2007 with Facebook.

So now, we are in 2018, I'm watching Dumb Disney Movies. and I forgot about my culture.

I forgot that my ancestor might have believed in Jupiter. The asshole who kidnapped and banged Europe before marying her to the King of Crètes.

Jupiter se présente à travers ce mythe (comme dans bien d’autres), comme un dieu qui agit toujours poussé par ses pulsions. Rien ne le dérange, ni l’arrête. De plus, il s’attaque toujours à de jeunes filles « innocentes » et « naïves ». Le plus souvent ces dernières paraissent comme des objets de convoitise et d’envie qu’il doit absolument obtenir.


Now when I think to Jupiter, I see him as a stupid video game boss, or as Emmanuel Macron.

I Forgot that my ancestor might have worshiped a Sun Divinity called Mithra and celebrated his birth every 25th december.

I Forgot that my father use to speak french.

I forgot that, once, a Star Wars movie appealed me. Back in 1999, The Trade Federation reminded me of the East Indian Compagny. Back in 1999, the way Palpatine became chancelor reminded me of Hitler bullshiting his people, by creating a Menace Phantom, called Communist.

Back in 1999, there was a Star Wars movie with poor writing, dumb humor, not-that-relatable characters, but strangely : some kind of depth to it. A movie that has been almost retconed by "the fan(atics?)".

Maybe you were just young at the time of the Prequels, but they literally DID "spit in the face of ALL THE TIME put into building the Star wars universe." ...Not to mention Star Wars fans too. Those movies just sucked!I had to assume you were 12 at the time. Midichlorians pissed everyone off..

A Star Wars Fan on a Social Network in 2018

I'm a bit embarrassed to say that, but Star Wars targets a... 12 years old audience.

Georges Lucas

You overshoot my friend, you overshoot... you should do like Christopher Nolan. Show something, and then explain it, and then claim it is for mature audience.

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le 25 janv. 2018

Critique lue 382 fois

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Critique lue 382 fois


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