Un bijou !
Il est de ces plumes nous mettant à nu, rejetant à nos yeux, sous l’alliage parfait des mots, l’humaine représentation de ce monde qui nous échappe loin de tout aspect moralisateur. Les pages...
le 1 mars 2014
5 j'aime
The word home sickness traduces the state of missing the place I feel good in. But, when as an emigrant, I’m going home, I know I wont find the place as it was when I left it. Life goes on, my loved ones, the one who stayed there did not stopped their lives because I left. When emigrants think ‘you changed so much since I left the city’ (I am ashamed to say drake’s song crossed my mind at this moment) it’s actually the traduction of a narcissic utopian belief that they are an immutable piece of the city’s life. That is why I feel something is missing in the expression home sick. The nostalgia nuance is missing. Because, as we discussed with my friend, what we truly feel sometimes as emigrants, is the nostalgia of a lost time we assossiated to our past lives back when we still lived home. It is not a matter of going back, it is something we know is in the past. When we go back home, when we return (and I guess it is more flagrant for someone who is returning after a long time like political emigrants), it is not rare that loved ones do not ask about your emigrant life but rather tell you: do you remember said person? Well, she did that and this one finded out. This amazing building that use to be an hotel is now really ugly it’s a shame. When Ulysse returned to his Ithaque after twenty years he did not recognize a single tree and no one aske dabout his stories, because everyone knows something about him. That is the most special thing with travelling. What is the first thing you ask a stranger? Tell me about your story.
le 21 juin 2016
Critique lue 189 fois
D'autres avis sur L'Ignorance
Il est de ces plumes nous mettant à nu, rejetant à nos yeux, sous l’alliage parfait des mots, l’humaine représentation de ce monde qui nous échappe loin de tout aspect moralisateur. Les pages...
le 1 mars 2014
5 j'aime
Amateurs d'art et de Picon. Il y a trop de temps que j'ai lu ce livre pour m'en souvenir. La première fois, c'était il y a 15 ans. La seconde, il y a 10 ans. Sans mentir je crois que lorsque je le...
le 15 juin 2018
3 j'aime
L’émigration, l’exil...Une peinture politique et sociétale. De l’amour à la mort. Kundera nous compte l’impossible réconciliation entre passé présent au travers de réflexions sur la nostalgie,...
le 29 août 2019
1 j'aime
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le 21 juin 2016
The word home sickness traduces the state of missing the place I feel good in. But, when as an emigrant, I’m going home, I know I wont find the place as it was when I left it. Life goes on, my loved...
le 21 juin 2016
L'idéal reprend les codes esthétiques de 99 francs: peu de plans séquence, montages saccadés sur fond de monologues rapides d'Octave Parango). Ce dernier semble toutefois quelque peu ramolli, une...
le 21 juin 2016