
livre de Richard Powers (2021)

Cant wait for the next half of that book. This is the most exciting optimistic piece of writing I've read lately.

The trick using that young boy's special profile to roam altogether through human mind, father training and social game, makes it a most pleasant reading.

It brings the reader through the richest variety of knowledge and emotions such as wrath, joy, sadness, pleasure, doubt and relief, and opens the mind to such open fields as school and the milkyway and millions of possible worlds more or less same as ours, bearing countless living creatures compleatly different from our Earth standards, in that same milkyway or anywhere else in some other far and unknown stary sky.

This novel unveils surprising deep seas and submarine vulcano addicted strange lives, bringing down our now made poor old still creeping 19 th century philosophical and scientific standards. Which is quite a relief in our present pessimistic times.

"Bewiderment" is a key word for magicians, artists, scientists and kids. It is a good title, too, for this well written and somehow breathtaking long novel. The kind you cant help the urge to speed through all at once, and still wish not to reach the end that soon. For you don't want to do that : too much of it insists on your reading carefully and back again. There's too much in here you can read and just proceed reading further on. Some lines will need you to check again and think twice.

Want to make a good trip in a mind among the stars ? Just read that book in an armchair. Cause you'll need it.

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il y a 2 jours

Critique lue 2 fois


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Critique lue 2 fois

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