Life on Mars?
Life on Mars?

Morceau de David Bowie (2000)

It's a God-awful big affair
Boys and girls living in despair
But their tummy is aching, oh !
End of Ziggy means endless sorrow

A lad insane's nowhere to be seen
Now he walks through a cosmic scene
Take a seat for the Thin White Duke
And get hooked to the Super Creep

But the Grim is a saddening whore
For she struck us ten times or more
She could reach any kind of fools
Damn ! The bitch had to focus on

Major going for a last stroll
Oh man, look at the Starman go
He was the freakiest bloke
Take a look at the Goblin
Reaching out to all fans
Oh man, wonder if they'll ever know
He's watching us all below
Is he live from Mars ?

He was an English and tortured lad
Torn into many personas
Now the people have made his fame
Like Lennon he burst in flames
Seeing fans in their million hordes
From nebulas to some lost black hole
Ruling Gaia's now out of bounds
For our Stardust, our dog and clown

But the Grim is a saddening whore
'Cause he pushed it ten times or more
He's about to be reaped again
As he asks us to focus on

Major going for a last stroll
Oh man, look at the Starman go
He was the freakiest bloke
Take a look at the Goblin
Reaching out to all fans
Oh man, wonder if they'll ever know
He's watching us all below
Is he live from Mars ?

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Cet utilisateur l'a également mis dans ses coups de cœur et l'a ajouté à sa liste Top 10 Morceaux


le 17 janv. 2016

Critique lue 679 fois

63 j'aime

15 commentaires


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Critique lue 679 fois


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