This is but one of my "guilty pleasure" series. There is no real content or complexity to keep me intrigued. It is just a show where I can turn off my brain for 60 minutes a week. However, there is an issue regarding this series (like many others), that irritates me to the core. Generation X and Y running Hollywood. When did writing become so shitty?! We need some hard pressed writers out there picking up story lines where the classics of Hollywood have died off.

This series solely relies upon the good looks of the actors, sleek sportiness of the cars, and "technology". It is normally what is used in most series these days to make up for lack of real content. It's too bad, because this has potential to be a really great show. However, the dialogue is enough to drive you insane. I normally have my dinner or sketch book in front of me as I watch, otherwise the reiteration and banter between the characters would drive me crazy. Yes, it is not physically possible to focus 100%! Just one character stating the obvious to the other over and over again. Then some banter about their tangled relationships.

I am really hoping the new season comes with a change, but like all series that are a dime a dozen, I doubt it. But...once a week when I want to numb my brain I will be there with my sketch book in tow watching the "adventures" of Cat and Vincent.

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le 18 juin 2015

Critique lue 466 fois

1 j'aime

Rachel B

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Critique lue 466 fois


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Beauty and the Beast

Une histoire d'amour et puis c'est tout!

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3 j'aime

Beauty and the Beast

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