L'actualité sur Friday Night Dinner

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Melanie Ravenswood

a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Females

épisode S6 E6 de Friday Night Dinner

Melanie Ravenswood

a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Dad's Birthday

épisode S6 E4 de Friday Night Dinner

Melanie Ravenswood

a attribué 9/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Au Pair

épisode S6 E3 de Friday Night Dinner

Melanie Ravenswood

a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Surprise

épisode S5 E3 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : Mum plans her own surprise party which backfires when Dad gets involved. Get ready for the party from hell.

Melanie Ravenswood

a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Lord Luck

épisode S5 E4 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : Dad annoys everyone with his old ventriloquist dummy Lord Luck, while Jonny's recently dumped friend Ben comes for dinner in need of cheering up.

Melanie Ravenswood

a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Violin

épisode S5 E5 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : Adam isn't happy when he is forced to play his violin for Mum and her best friend Val, while Jonny is relishing every moment. Dad is obsessed with his old microscope.

Melanie Ravenswood

a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série



épisode S4 E3 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : Adam has finally been recognised for his musical talent. But it's overshadowed when Jonny arrives home and announces he's got married.

Melanie Ravenswood

a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Carpet Cleaner

The Carpet Cleaner

épisode S4 E2 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : It's Dad's annual hinge oiling evening but when he spills oil on Mum's beloved carpet, it's a race against time to clean it up before she finds out

Melanie Ravenswood

a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Piano

The Piano

épisode S3 E5 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : Dad has bought a piano, and the world's most sarcastic piano tuner comes round to tune it. Meanwhile, the family spot Aunty Val having an affair. What should they do?

Melanie Ravenswood

a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série



épisode S2 E1 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : When Jonny finds Adam's old diary, he learns a terrible secret: when Adam was 11, he secretly dumped Jonny's beloved 'Pandy' panda bear toy in the outside bin, never to be seen again. This unleashes a war in the house, with Jonny threatening to destroy Adam's equally beloved old rabbit toy, 'Buggy'. Fights rage in every room, with Mum and Dad unable to control their two twenty-something sons, who have become 13 again. Desperate to hide his precious comfort toy from his angry brother, Adam gives Buggy to just about the worst person possible: neighbour Jim. Meanwhile, Dad will not stop sneezing on everything - 'He sneezed on a baby today - so embarrassing,' says Mum. Later, when dinner is served, Dad sneezes over all the food and Mum's delicious Friday night dinner is ruined. But what happens when hopeless Jim accidentally loses Buggy in a lake? And why is Jim speaking Chinese?


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Yoghurts

The Yoghurts

épisode S2 E5 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : Jonny is in a real pickle: he wants to split up with his 43-year-old girlfriend/boss, Liz played by Leslie Vickerage, but is too scared to do so. Adam, meanwhile, is happy to keep teasing him about her age ('I'll switch the stair lift on'). Grandma, played by Frances Cuka offers Jonny some advice - 'Take her out dancing' - before showing him how to dance in the kitchen. While they dance to the music on the radio, it transpires that it's just the music for the news headlines, and before long, Jonny and Grandma are actually dancing to the news. Adam is loving it. Meanwhile, Dad has been drying fish under the stairs (Dad: 'Have you never had dried fish before?' 'Not from a cupboard' replies Adam). Then Grandma gets locked in the boot of Adam's car, and everything changes. How will they get her out? And as if that isn't bad enough, Jonny's girlfriend, Liz turns up at the house.


a attribué 7/10 à l'épisode


de la série

Mr. Morris

Mr Morris

épisode S2 E2 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : The boys are excited: grandma, played by Frances Cuka is coming for dinner, and tonight she's bringing her new boyfriend. 'He's not her boyfriend,' says mum, he's her 'male companion'. 82 year-old Lou Morris, played by Harry Landis is a horrible, vain man, who sports a trilby, a Hitler-ish moustache, and is obsessed with cleanliness ('I'm very hygienical'); wiping his hands on the bathroom curtains when there's no hand towel. Mr Morris is also the world's worst driver, parking his battered old car right up to the front doorstep, smashing his headlamp: 'Your bloody house just broke my light!' shouts Mr Morris. None of the family can see what lovely grandma sees in him. Dad can't stand the man and hides in his shed, while rifling through his box of fossils. But none of the family are quite prepared for what happens when Mr Morris suddenly loses his temper.


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a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Mercedes

The Mercedes

épisode S1 E5 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : It's Adam's birthday. As he arrives home, a silver Mercedes almost runs him over. Inside is Sheila Bloom - or 'Bitchface' as Adam and his family call her. 'Bitchface' is famously obsessed with her Mercedes, and after some catty remarks about Adam's 'Yugo' ('Err... it's a Nissan'), she speeds off. Dad reveals that he used to have a thing with Bitchface years ago. The boys can't believe it. Mum's not happy. Later, the family abandon dinner and go for a Chinese, but Bitchface is there. An awkward chat ensues, and finally Dad reveals exactly what he got up to with her...


a attribué 8/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Jingle

The Jingle

épisode S1 E2 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : When Adam and Jonny come home to find Dad secretly peering into his underpants with a magnifying glass, they're desperate to find out what he's looking at. Meanwhile, Mum is just trying to have a nice Friday night, but Jim - the neighbour who's terrified of his own dog - keeps interrupting the meal. Dad takes Adam - who's single - into the toilet to have a private chat about 'females'. Soon the whole family are in the loo quizzing poor Adam. Jonny is loving it. And finally, the secret behind Dad's pants-peering is revealed.


a attribué 9/10 à l'épisode


de la série

The Sofabed

The Sofa-Bed

épisode S1 E1 de Friday Night Dinner

Synopsis : Mum and dad are having a clear-out, and they’ve enlisted their son’s help. As they settle down for the first family meal of the season mum’s happy to have everyone together, but then things go downhill: their neighbour Jim keeps interrupting because he wants to use their toilet and an eBay bidder turns up to pick up their sofabed.


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