The igLoo series follows Zeon's 603rd Technical Regiment and its testing of diverse experimental machines throughout the One Year War.
Between propaganda, painful decisions, and broken men, this is one bleak series to watch.
Nevertheless, I found it very interesting, be it on the fluff aspect where you see the inner workings of Zeon's technical and political machine, or the technical one, with original and interesting mobile weapons to study.
The only and obvious downside to this series is obviously its dated CGI. But if you're willing to go past that, it's an ova series I recommend wholeheartedly.

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le 19 sept. 2021

Critique lue 113 fois


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Critique lue 113 fois

D'autres avis sur Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO: The Hidden One Year War

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Gundam Breaker 3

Gundam Breaker at its finest

Though its scenario is mostly uninteresting, this game is the closest you will come to the perfect Gundam building and fighting. Also please avoid New Gundam Breaker

le 12 sept. 2021