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Mobile Suit Victory Gundam
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam

Anime (mangas) TV Asahi (1993)

"Fansub" vu sur Anime-Ultime.

A more than decent Gundam despite the lack of informations about and focus on the war/conflict itself and its background, all its weird illogical things didn't help either (laser rotor magically inducing fly, etc). There was way too much action, but it never felt as suffocating as Zeta's habit of 50/50 and the action was often very enjoyable (despite those stupid super expensive strategies who made no sense in such conditions), The BGM was not memorable on its own (only one very short track caught me) but it seemed to work well strangely.
The drawings in general were sometimes good but often pretty bland.
It was not helped by the directing, or lack of. It doesn't look like it was made bythe guy who made Zeta (I know Zeta had only moments, but it was still more than what Victory has)
The robots design main theme was a nice idea for a change, until they went on the second big theme of motorbikes (or Motorrad in german).
I respect some attempts in the show like the women duality idea who was poorly implemented (though I kind of like some parts of it). Or the ecology statement who was horribly integrated (looks like the show was never designed with it in mind).
There were failed occasions like Chronicle or Tassolo who needed more than what they got. Same thing for the Zanscare Empire and the whole conflict.
A big bonus: the exploitation of Haro. This little AI toy made by Amuro sure went far.

Score: 6.5/10
Plaisir: 4/5

Note: an interesting interview between Anno and Tomino following Victory's broadcast.

PS: I wonder what Tomino tried to tackle once Sunrise offered him a new Gundam show (Turn A). New subjects/themes? Or did he feel unsuccessful and tried the ecology and women again? (though he stated that he successfully wrote a woman in Victory)

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Cet utilisateur l'a également ajouté à ses listes Les meilleures séries de la franchise Gundam et Les meilleures séries de la franchise Gundam


le 26 févr. 2020

Critique lue 404 fois

1 j'aime

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 404 fois


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