Red : Three Rings : Engagement ring, wedding ring and the suffering.
Fez: Opportunity does not knock, then knock again, then leave a note saying "sorry I missed you".
Donna Pinciotti: Excuse me Jackie, when did you lose your soul?
Jackie Burkhardt: Cheerleading camp.
Red: Heyyyyy Fez !
Fez: Uh oh. He's remembering my name.
Fez: An apple? Where's my candy, you son of a bitch?
Red Forman: When my time comes I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.
Eric: This book "On the road" is so great !
Red: "You should read the book my foot wrote. It's called 'On the Road to In Your Ass'."
La série s'essouffle vite après la 4è saison mais les personnages sont toujours autant attachants, Red et Kitty les premiers. Dumbass !!