Nick Cave has the talent to write about such complex themes in his songs, yet remains immediately able to resonate in one's sensibility and making them thoughtful about they just listen to.

One can feel Nick Cave's soul through those romantic, moody and paradoxal lyrics; it literally transport you in an atmosphere of an old soul.

Depth plays a leading role in this album as he explores condemned love affairs, doubts about faith and hopeless "romanticisme noir". He's still this advocate for a gothic scene, inviting us in an intimate darkness full of Biblical imagery.

"Into my Arms" opens the album; the first lyrics catch us by being straightforward yet melancholic: "I don't believe in an interventionist God (Piano notes) /But I know darling that you do."

Nick's baritone voice with low mystical tones perfectly fits to accentuate each lyrics' weight as he seems to distinctively pronunciate each word's depth.

At the same time, he still flirts with melodic balladry in other songs as he knows how to keep his breath while he sings an "enjambement". Indeed, he escalates immediately from a sentence to another in the song "Far From Me" (With a smile you would reply (Music notes) /Then the sun would leave your pretty face /And you'd retreat from the front of your eyes."

He remains aware of human nature, making cruel and ironic observations: "People ain't no Good" is a perfect illustration of it (The winter slammed us like a fist. The windows rattling in the gales/To which she drew the curtains/Made out of her wedding veils.)

To sum up, this album is Nick Cave's attempt to the sublime. It's cathartic and he nailed it, bitch.

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le 1 oct. 2023

Critique lue 15 fois


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Critique lue 15 fois

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