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A cute "war children" film that delivers what looks like a decent description of such people's "career". The film goes through every mandatory element of such stories (the family members killed before your eyes, the execution baptism, the rape, etc) but the opposite would have been weird. Observing the power dynamics at the heart of the children squad, it also tries to illustrate the neverending cycle it takes place in, despite its choice of a more optimistic conclusion.
The first person perspective is welcomed but the impression it leaves is at time broken by the boy's "adult" way of telling things. Some music tracks seemed also "out of tune" with the film. Also, of notice, a "drug-altered" scene that is both a nice change of pace and kind of out of place inside the whole thing.
With the surprising presence of Idris Elba, who's not the only good actor here.

Score: 7/10
Enjoyment: 3/5

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Cet utilisateur l'a également ajouté à sa liste Les meilleurs films originaux Netflix


le 9 juin 2021

Critique lue 36 fois

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 36 fois

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