When it comes to drama, asian director are pretty good at it. To it, you add a touch of humour, a sense of family and love, a two cops duo and you have a very good film, "Bullets over summer". Wilson Yip is giving us a drama/ family/ action movie. You can already tell by the genres that he is not doing it by the book and you can feel it watching the movie. From a bloody wedding to a family reunification, the story is all over the map but Wilson succeed in keeping the viewer focus, on track. The characters are very resonating and well developed. The two cops are creating a good duo like they were two brothers (Mike, the big bro). The granny is doing the role of the mother. She is the meeting point and brings a nice balance among all the themes.There are some  flaws where certains of the themes are not well developed such as the condition of Mike. It appears out the blue in a 2 minutes scene where Mike talks to a doctor. The end of the movie could have been more developed aswel. It feels like Wilson rushed it even though its key in understanding the development of the characters (Mike is taking Dragon’s bribe).Overall Bullet over summer is a good movie with risky attempts that do works. This movie is nice to introduce you the asian film.

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le 27 déc. 2022

Critique lue 17 fois


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Critique lue 17 fois

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Bullets Over Summer

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