Revue en version restaurée 1.66 en Fuori Orario "Contes des Quatre Saisons, ou qu'est-ce que le cinéma?"
Faith. Baseless, unshakeable faith and fate. That's the very thin program of this film, leading the heroine to appear the subject to constant whims and highly selfish (in surface). Luckily, Rohmer's trademark discussions find a way to sproot from it, becoming the too rare lights amid the uninteresting sentimental misadventures of Félicie (a convincing Charlotte Véry).
The ugliest Rohmer I've seen, restored or not (RAI's stupid colour alteration made things worse this time, so did the 1.66 ratio). Maybe it's not an accident, given the season.
The worst heroine I've ever had to suffer in his films, feinting idiocy then intelligence, all the while sounding moronic to the audience .
Score: ?6?/10
Enjoyment: Félicie/5
(Obviously, this reaction isn't telling at all about the film.)
To rewatch AGAIN after reading Shakespeare's Winter's Tale.