Vu sur ARTE, cycle Nathalie Baye.

An interestingly anti-spectacular take on the traditional polar, accordingly following an enthusiast provincial rookie as he discovers the (true) work and life of a parisian police station, along more mature colleagues (including Nathalie Baye, the other focus of the movie, and Roschdy Zem), through a specific case the film is build around. You'll see coping techniques, behaviours, reactions and many other things that all ring vérité.
Despite the choice of realism, the film doesn't feature the now usual shaky camera or extremely drab colours that have become synonymous of it, and is even more lighted than you would expect.

Learning that the actors were surrounded by non-actors, I'm surprised I didn't notice it.

Some might consider the lack of emotion of this down-to-earth "crime drama" a bad thing.

Score: 7/10
Enjoyment: 3/5
Like a better build, harnessed Police.

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Cet utilisateur l'a également ajouté à sa liste Les meilleurs films avec Nathalie Baye


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Critique lue 46 fois

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