Across a lebanon ravaged by civil war, Georges tries his best to gather up actors from different factions and play Antigone. A frivolous idea that brought him to discover the true face of the war.

I appreciated the historical accuracy, the accents/dialect were on point. A lovely movie that truly had Georges breaking through the fourth wall and hopping into the gruesome reality that the lebanese and palestinians had to face.

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il y a 16 heures

Critique lue 6 fois


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Critique lue 6 fois

D'autres avis sur Le Quatrième Mur

Le Quatrième Mur

La guerre ne tient pas entre quatre murs

« Personne n’y comprend rien » quand « le Liban tire sur le Liban », car ce pays vit un drame, voire une tragédie : dans le premier cas, nous dit le film (et probablement le roman éponyme de Sorj...

1 j'aime

Le Quatrième Mur

A sad but somewhat enjoyable ride

Across a lebanon ravaged by civil war, Georges tries his best to gather up actors from different factions and play Antigone. A frivolous idea that brought him to discover the true face of the war.I...

il y a 16 heures

Le Quatrième Mur

Le bouclier

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