Vu en VHS vf (Shuriken Video), déconseillée.
Revu en fansub VOSTF (Anime-Heart) sur Anime-Ultime. Version recommandée.
Une excellente refonte améliorée et un film parfaitement indépendant.
Affinant la recette (ô combien classique) de la série faite d'action, de drames et de romance tout en adoucissant sa légèreté, il assure le spectacle du début à la fin sans jamais laisser tomber l'audience en terme d'action comme de sentiments: tout cela contribue à en faire le film "parfait" (tout le monde y trouvera son compte) et se permet de renforcer le discours (léger) autour de la guerre et des comportements des aliens.
Entre les nombreux éléments redessinés pour l'occasion (le Macross et autres vaisseaux spatiaux, les "aliens"...), le réagencement de l'histoire et de composants (ex: suppression d'éléments non exploités à la TV), un traitement du triangle amoureux plus "cinéma" qui paraîtra meilleur à la majorité des spectateurs (le choix final du héros est motivé par l'amour plutôt que de découler d'autres choix) bien que l'intrigue soit nécessairement moins développée que sur le petit écran, et l'animation sans accrocs de dessins splendides sur une bande originale qui l'est tout autant (d'anciens morceaux sont bien exploités tandis que les nouveaux sont très bons), l'absence de temps morts à l'exception peut-être du court passage sur Terre et l'indispensable gommage des 9 derniers épisodes TV: tout est fait pour transformer la déjà bien agréable mais parfois frustrante expérience que la série originelle offrait en quelque chose d'inoubliable.(1)
Bien sûr, le final entièrement repensé est tout aussi spectaculaire que l'original, tout en ajoutant une pointe d'originalité qui faisait défaut à l'ép.27:
(Référence à la fin de la série TV)
The fact the original creators wish to use Minmei's music to literally end the war by "converting" foes was used here instead of the dumb "stunning ennemies with music in order to kill them" favoured in the TV show makes for one of the most well-made musical action scenes (and finale) of... the medium (? even larger than that).
The aliens language is a good idea, and the way you can notice the influence of "culture"/Minmei on them after a while when they talk using japanese (while still retaining some of their own words) is a nice addition to the evolution we could already see on TV.
The typical violent "Itano scenes" offer a great contrast with the musics and add to the impression of a terrible war (for a movie duration). Scenes shouldn't have been cut out for the first Blu-ray release.
Sadly, the epilogue was animated only later for the video market (see Flashback 2012).
Enjoyment: off the charts.
Score: 9.9/10
Perfectly crafted spectacle, it even succeeds at being emotional and not dumb.
10 doesn't seem totally justified since it never went beyond what it was. I think it "simply" reached the extreme limite of what it could be (but that's already an achievement most fiction works don't succeed in)
(1) (si l'on accepte qu' inoubliable peut être utilisé pour qualifier un "blockbuster")
Mind-boggling things I have read about it + my useless reactions:
- "great/incredible/beautiful animation if you consider its age". How can't this be considered visually stunning in this day and age? There is absolutely no need to refer it to its production time to qualify it this way.
- "the beginning is hard to follow". This is a critic any japanese animated works gets from internauts as soon as it doesn't start at the very beginning of its fictional chronology... It is scary: it sadly could be used to argue that "anime-fans" have a reduced intelligence compared to regular movie/books consumers.
- "lack of character development"/support characters "forgotten": this is a movie, also a fiction doesn't have to spell out everything about its characters in order to feature "development". Characters here are pretty well defined/characterized through their clear roles and several scenes pretty early in the movie (interactions, dialogues, expressions/reactions). Those who aren't (while they were in the series) were actually nothing more than tension liberators/comic relief on TV or it's because they have not as much use in the movie (but they are still "supporting" the story as they should). It's a story, so of course the main characters will eventually change in some way (or the change will be that "they don't change") throughout the events like in most stories. You see that happening for all the whole trio of heroes (and even for the Zentradi people!).