I am a big fan of Naomi Watts and i tend to go and see her movies even though they rare not all topnotch. I was weary about this one, but i must say it's a good surprise.

The theme is simple, even if the script itself is pretty complex. A mature woman (Annette Bening) cannot reconcile herself with the fact she abandonned her infant daughter, when herself was a mere teenager. While we follow her story, we are also presented with the life of her daughter (Naomi Watts) , an independant and rather predatory young woman, who will eventually develop the notion of finding her biological mother. To this dual story line, one must add another one, where a young couple is trying to adopt a child, and whose path will cross in a surprising way the paths of the mother and her daughter.

this little movie is worth a look for the beautiful acting performance of its cast. Bening is amzing in the the role of the aging spinster who is being courted by a (very insightful) co-worker, as she's also facing the terminal disease of her mother. Smauel L; Jacksonis very good in the sober part of Naomi Watts's boss, who develops feelings for his employee. In fact all the actors do a really good job in this story, which, in spite of a certain dose of pathos, offers some good humourous moments... As for Fate, it plays its part with talent...

There is somewhere an annoying smell of moral judgement , and a certain dose of tearful manipulation, but the fact remains that this movie will move you easily. The situations between the chararcters are often unexpected and will keep you wondering and asking for more. And Watts is great :-) Recommanded , folks!

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le 3 oct. 2015

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