(Re)vu sur arte, "La Lucarne".

Theoretically interesting project that soons appear to be nothing more than a self-pity speech seasoned with vapid societal "reflections" (especially weak ones coming from a 40 years old man) and haughty look at his surrounding of a rather simple parisian bobo lost in a rural area during a nervous breakdown.

The editing work of a multitude of films snippets, wich makes the other half of the film, shows some effort in the way each tiny cut used reflects a bit of the monologue. But this never goes past straight illustration of the words. Let's say that not everyone is Godard.

Score: 5/10

Enjoyment: 3->2/5

You might love it if you went through that yourself (and even then, nothing is certain).

What is actually interesting is to take a look at the end credits and check out what films were used to make this thing.


le 6 août 2023

Critique lue 18 fois

Rei Ayanami

Écrit par

Critique lue 18 fois

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