Oranges sanguines
Oranges sanguines is the second movie of Jean-Christophe Meurisse and I am happy there is such audacity in the French cinema. I have been surpised that the reception has not been great. I think people were expecting a subtil critic of the society. Of course, it's not.
At first, the movie is a kind of maze because there are long scenes which gives deepness into the characters. After severals scenes, you understand there will be no taboo and there are connexions between the characters. I think the main theme is the power relatationship between all of these characters and how those relations can be quickly reverted. They go from the top of the France to the very bottom. A very typical character is the lawyer who succeed his career, he seems so shy with the powerful, but so arrogant with his family (we all know a jerk like that... maybe we are?). The fun comes from many aspects, such as the actors game (with a lot of gesture), how the cinematographer film the power relationships and how the codes of the drama are reverted.
After the turning point of the movie, I thought it wasn't posible to lough but I was wrong. The fun always go up and down. This special moment will test your subjectivity depending of how you feel the cruelty applied on different kind of characters and it is the source of a lot of mixed feelings.
Oranges Sanguines was hilarious and I am looking forward for the next movies of its moviemaker.

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le 3 janv. 2023

Critique lue 5 fois


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Critique lue 5 fois

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