Shiva Baby
C’est l’histoire d’une jeune femme en manque d’ambition qui jusqu’ici maintenait les bribes de sa vie en place (son sugar daddy, son ex, ses parents) mais qui finit par s’écrouler quand ceux-ci...
le 25 févr. 2022
7 j'aime
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So, it's the same thing as the short but with a more comedic approach (luckily because the dramatic aspect still doesn't work in the slightest way), and the character turned into some fashionable scarecrow (vegetarian, bisexual, feminist, gender studies, you name it!)
It's also trying a bit hard to stretch itself over the original's duration, despite staying wisely under 80mn.
The movie's video ratio, its constant size or breast-height close shots (plans rapprochés) and shaky close-ups, the discordant strings music seem to ask the audience to share the unpleasant situation the heroine stays in (although I don't understand how a close view on everyone's face should be uneasy). But it's impossible when it is only the result of said heroine being a certain kind of youth: self-obsessed shallow kids that want it all, the dough, the sex, being the center of interest, doing whatever they feel like without knowing what they want, everything. A type the movie seems bent on revealing as ridiculous (partly thanks to the main actress'acting).²
(Gay-dar, really?)
Score: 5/10
Enjoyment: 1/5
A comedy drama with no dramatic goal but it's quite an apt depiction of those horrible children. (Funny, given the fact the director is barely older than me.*)
² edit 2: I've just read a bunch of interventions about the film by the director. So, either she's lying in them or she didn't do a good job of making the film sympathetically "portray the struggles of a young adult in the current world", because it's more than often mocking her.
Score: 4/10 (-1)
Cet utilisateur l'a également ajouté à sa liste Les meilleurs films sur l'adolescence
le 3 sept. 2021
Critique lue 263 fois
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C’est l’histoire d’une jeune femme en manque d’ambition qui jusqu’ici maintenait les bribes de sa vie en place (son sugar daddy, son ex, ses parents) mais qui finit par s’écrouler quand ceux-ci...
le 25 févr. 2022
7 j'aime
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