Vu à Premiers Plans, Vertiges, soirée "Délires nordiques".
A race for attention, private and public, enhanced by the internet dominated world of today, goes to extremes in this film featuring two characters made of the same cloth who ended up as a couple, wich will serve as trigger for one's harmful begging for recognition.
The characters are so affected by modern narcissism that they become humorously antipathetic, especially the heroin whose demise you follow, effectively played by Kristine Kujath Thorp (seen in last year's competition with Ninjababy)
Despite the few fantasy insertions whose breaks were enough to catch the audience's attention back and some ugly horror-like pictures, the film had difficulties to sustain itself for so long, not only pushing its attention seeker to the breaking point but losing itself in her cycle (and forgetting about the other one).
Score: 5,5/10
Enjoyment: 4/5
Heavygoing satire.
Interesting to learn what this film is really about:
"L'histoire est née d'une série d'observations, un tas de détails, autant culturels que personnels. Une tendance éphémère venait d'émerger : une sorte de romantisation permanente de la souffrance qui s'est immiscée dans les relations sociales jusqu'au sein des entreprises. J'ai trouvé que c'était un sujet intéressant à creuser pour raconter une histoire."