Let me start this review by saying that I'm a huge fan of Brendan Fraser and is carrier. I love him with all my heart and I'm so proud of him for standing for himself and screaming the truth and goin back to being an actor with this amazing movie.

So let's get started now. The eating disorder is not a common topic in cinema whereas it affects almost 1/5 of the population (me included, hence why I was afraid of facing the truth while watching this movie). I didn't know we would have 2 stories: a health story and a love/family story and I was really surprised how good it matched!

His health situation was so bad he knew he would die. He was alone, had only one friend (Liz), lost the one he loved and abandoned himself, left to food and darkness only while giving online classes, camera off. He wanted to contact his daughter, without knowing how an insurgent she was.

The fact of eating because you're sad is so common to me that I felt so much pain during the scenes he left himself drowning in pizzas, sandwiches, burritos etc. He couldn't get himself to talk about the things that hurt him, it would make him face reality and hurt others too. He was too kind for that. He's the less selfish character I ever saw in a movie. dedicating his life to his daughter, for her to be fine, missing nothing etc

Thomas is a real asshole by the way. He made Charlie thonk no one would want him in their life "Who would want me to be part of their life?"

Alan and Charlie's room was the only one clean and closed. He wanted to keep this part of his life sain and protected. I was so angry at him for not trying to save himself while he has so much money. But I understand that he wants what's best for his daughter as well. "I"m not interested in being saved"

Once again, bringing memories was a fatal thing to do. I started crying when his ex-wife was hearing his weak heart, remembering their vacation at the beach. His last class too was a complete realization for me. Sincerity is essential in this world. What's the point if we're not sincere at least with our own self? "I don't think anyone can save anyone."

The essay written by his daughter was the thing that kept him alive until now and when Ellie started reading it, switching from him standing up to their memories at the beach... Everything was so overwhelming

Her essay about Moby Dick was ahead of their time and so sincere.

I can't fully express how I feel right now 'cause I still don't know? I'm still processing and realizing all those things I just wrote.

Just go watch it already!

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