Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

Jeu de Konami (2002PlayStation 2)

After the very charming PS1 classic we would receive a sequel that while by no means as impressive, still improves on it in almost every way. The gameplay now involves way more fast thinking (though it is quite a bit easier overall) and while i dont like how hazy the game looks, the character models themselves are p dang good. I have three bigger qualms though. First off, the voice acting is pretty good but the voice direction can be really off at times. Secondly, it lacks the atmosphere Shadow Moses had. The shell feels way more "video game-y" and I get that's kind of the point but that isn't really an excuse. Lastly I wanna touch on how while the story overall is an improvement and I do enjoy it quite a lot plus most of the twists were pretty well done (everyone has said it and it is true, it is even more relevant today than at the time it was written) , there are times where it was just a bit too much. For example when

Solidus reveals to have killed Jack's parents.

it was unnecessary and didnt really add anything. But even so MGS 2 is still just good enough to barely get a 9, which is a great score indeed

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le 18 août 2021

Critique lue 28 fois


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Critique lue 28 fois

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Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

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8 j'aime


Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

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