How the nonviolence protects the state
is an essai written by Peter Gelderloos who is an American anarchist activist. The reason I have read it is my doubts about the nonviolence. If I had to be critical about this book, I would say it's not very scientific because the author exposes his points by using many examples, but not really by comparing nonviolent and violent strategies.
However, I think the message of the book is crystal clear, well argued and I got the following points:
???? figures like Gandhi or Martin Luther King have been raised as myths of the nonviolence, whereas they were not really nonviolents and their contributions to their struggles are overrated; (I buy it but note that the author is tad conspi when he explains it).
????Nonviolent activists always say that violent strategies are always denigrated in the news or in the social media; actually, they are even if nonviolence is used... they are denigrated in another way. We can mention the people who stick themselves somewhere recently.
????In reality, people doesn't care about violence but rather is it legitimate or not? for exemple, people can be unworthy when seeing a broken window, but they won't blame the murder of a bloody dictator ...
????Nonviolence is useless, and you can't really use it against someone who hasn't the same morality; violent strategies have greater chances of success.
????Nonviolence is used only by the people who already have some power.
????Nonviolence suck up human ressources which are easily reprissible; these ressources could have been used more effectively with violent strategies.