Black Rock Shooter
Black Rock Shooter

OAV (2010)

Une courte histoire d'amitié, avec un petit peu de "peur de la solitude".
La relation semble suffisamment réelle malgré le recours aux avances rapides. En revanche, les tranches d'action interrompant le tout constamment perturbent le rythme et paraissent souvent sans véritable but (l'introduction étant particulièrement inutile).
Still, I liked the juxtaposition of a metaphorical world's physical conflict illustrating a real world's psychic/sentimental struggle, along the use of this other world for Yomo's escapism. It was sadly badly exploited.
The BGM is efficient, the art and the style simple but good enough for the story. The other world chara-design are of course well done (even if it's not my cup of tea) but often the scenes in this dimension look like aimless artworks.

I suppose the little manager girl was already possessed before the end since we saw her "alter-ego" from the metaphorical world dive (in the real,world). That would mean she was willingly trying to prevent the heroine to "rescue" her friend (by insisting on the fact she should just wait). Is there any need for this? Leaving her as a normal schoolgirl who befriended the heroine and unwillingly made the other one uneasy would have been far better.
The 50minutes format could have been better used, a lot of elements were added with no explanation but no use either: the foe in the opening scene, the fact the second friend was possessed...

Plaisirt: 3/5
Score: 5/10 Nothing standing out, but I'm impressed someone could elaborate a nice idea out of a big nothing (mere artworks published on the Internet).

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le 2 mars 2020

Critique lue 150 fois

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 150 fois

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