Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood
Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood

Anime (mangas) TBS (2009)

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When we live in a boring world where everything is predestined, where all tastes should be the same, we need sometimes to change habits, to (re)discover other amazing entertainments. Although I’ve had an preview of Japanese anime when I was fifteen, like Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Saint Seiya,…, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is by far the best anime I’ve never seen before. I have a vague memory about these anime that marked my childhood, I know they touched me in some ways, but FMAB left a huge imprint on my mind and raised a big admiration that I've never had before. Fullmetal Alchemist made me laugh and made me cry, FMA made my evenings pleasant. Edward and Alphonse were my only friends this summer. May be because my way to watch an anime changed, may be because I'm not fifteen anymore, may be because this anime is a real masterpiece, but certainly FMAB has a unheard-of maturity, and this maturity isn’t reflected by blood, but by richness of mythology, by complexity of stories, by beautiful opening and ending songs, and by awesome characters. FMAB is a wonderful world of deep meanings about family, friendship, devotion, faith, war, god and sacrifice.


Cet utilisateur l'a également mis dans ses coups de cœur.


le 23 août 2017

Critique lue 219 fois

Critique lue 219 fois

D'autres avis sur Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood

Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood

Je vous pardonne, Edward et Alphonse.

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56 j'aime


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