plans de New-York, buildings, taxis jaunes, chanson pop
-Harvey: "Affidavit"
-Mike: "Subpoena"
-Jessica: "Confidentiality agreement"
-Rachel: "You lied"
-Donna: "I'm Donna"
-Harvey: "Is that a threat ?"
Harvard, Harvaaaard, HAAARRRVAAAAARDDD
pause bagel, hot-dog, café
-Mike: "This will never go to trial"
-Jessica: "Goddamn Mike Ross"
-Harvey: "What I do is I win !"
-Mike: movie reference
-Louis: cat subject
-Harvey: "I'm deposing you"
plans de New-York, la nuit, buildings, taxis jaunes, chanson jazz, verre de whisky sur le toit d'un immeuble