In English, sorry, i will develop here one fault i found to HxH, although it's a subjective one cause one may like nihilist stuff. I find the personalities of the different characters all about the same, except Leorio and a few others, but most of them are cold analyzing strategists. In the black whale arc in the manga, there is this princess who says that love is over all, and other characters are despising her.
Gon is a sociopath, Kurapika is a sociopath, Killua is a sociopath, and don't get me started on Hisoka. Only Leorio, as i said, is a credible human with weaknesses, compassion and hope. Everywhere else is nihilism. I think dark stuff sells, and Togashi is quite too much of a nihilist to make me think HxH is a masterpiece. Yes, it's very well done, but something is missing. Once again, it's my point of view.