'tain John ! tu me casses mon trip sur ce film !
J'aime beaucoup ce film , mais je ne peux m'empêcher à chaque fois de penser à Jack Crow quand il fait son speech sur les Vampires, du genre :
"les vampires c'est pas des dandys qui parlent avec un accent et se la joue hyper chicos. Ces petits baiseurs vont t'écraser la turbine à chocolat pendant qu'ils te videront de ton sang" (citation de mémoire mais c'est approchant)
hop hop hop ! en VO : "Jack Crow: You ever seen a vampire?
Father Adam Guiteau: No I haven't.
Jack Crow: No... Well first of all, they're not romatic. Its not like they're a bunch of fuckin' fags hoppin' around in rented formal wear and seducing everybody in sight with cheesy Euro-trash accents, all right? Forget whatever you've seen in the movies: they don't turn into bats, crosses don't work. Garlic? You wanna try garlic? You could stand there with garlic around your neck and one of these buggers will bend you fucking over and take a walk up your strada-chocolata WHILE he's suckin' the blood outta your neck, all right? And they don't sleep in coffins lined in taffata. You wanna kill one, you drive a wooden stake right through his fuckin' heart. Sunlight turns 'em into crispy critters."
Je vous laisse apprécier;)