Dumont s'exporte
Dumont s'exporte et ça lui réussit magnifiquement bien. France est peut-être, malgré les apparences, le film de Dumont qui se rapproche le plus de ce qu'il pouvait faire avant P'tit Quinquin,...
le 3 janv. 2022
109 j'aime
Vu en salle.
A movie starting as an highly excessive and repetitive satire of televised information and its milieu, by way of some heavy demonstrations the author won't hesitate to reproduce over and over, with Blanche Gardin doing Blanche Gardin and Léa Seydoux doing her usual non-acting.
But this is another Dumont, so there will be yet another lost character seeking its path and potential redemption. Who? France !
But it won't happen.
The whole film is made to look fake (the video look for the TV but also the way the actors are enlightened in the "reality", the outrageously baroque interior of the heroine and herself) and sound fake (those dialogues, the way the excessively grandiloquent music by Christophe is used...), while delivering occasional directing flourishes (ex: the car accident scene and his characters watching us) that only add to the effect.
Léa Seydoux gets here what is probably her best role. But only because Dumont was able to exploit her true essence for his film: a terrible actress who can do nothing but pouts. Her blandness and "natural fakeness" make her the perfect fit for a TV host, all the more for the egocentric titular character who never appears as honest even when she expresses doubts about her life.
But for all those reasons, I could only (at best) laugh or yawn, annoyed.
Score: 4~7?/10
Enjoyment: 1/5
An insufferable baroque piece that seems to get everything it wanted, including sickening its audience.. Unsure if it doesn't work on me or if it doesn't work at all.
PS: Macron playing himself was pretty good, wich didn't help to accept Seydoux's "acting" (despite it being in the movie's DNA) or Biolay's. But his scene was, as the rest, made so fake it was hard to stand.v But his scene was, as the rest, so fake it was hard to stand.
Cet utilisateur l'a également ajouté à ses listes Les meilleurs films avec Léa Seydoux et Les meilleurs films de Bruno Dumont
le 8 sept. 2021
Critique lue 261 fois
2 j'aime
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le 3 janv. 2022
109 j'aime
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