VOSTH vue sur OK.
«Ça va, c'est juste un doigt.»
Had the heroin's "carnal awakening" to be with a finger, really? (I thought it couldn't become more obvious until that techno-rap song...)
Also, that whole "from "innocent" virgin to obsessed sex maniac over a day" thing... Magical answer: genetics. (Plus the male's sudden interest for female flesh.) All of that makes sense only as tools for the image.
Not sure what the whole family (or rather sisterly) repulsion/bonding is for.
Good points: well made (if you can stand the music video aesthetic), extremely logical (beyond one or two logic leaps) to the point you can put the whole progression on paper after you've seen the setup.
Score: 5,5/ 10
Enjoyment: 2/5
French cinema didn't need this Fémization of horror, let's hope it doesn't become a thing.*
(Was also often reminded of other films, but it's probably just me.)
*: zut, it might be too late, considering Teddy, La Nuée and probably others.
Looks like you can't do horror/fantasy here, unless you're creating by reverse-making.