Vu sur ARTE, revu sur OK.
Et je pose la question paradoxale: cette volonté exacerbée de bonheur individuel que nous observons maintenant dans nos sociétés n'est-elle pas, en fin de compte, historiquement liée au déclin de l'empire américain que nous avons commencé à vivre?”
(Contrairement à ce que l'on peut lire, le film n'est pas une vulgaire discussion sur le sexe.)
Score: 8/10
Plaisir: 5/5
Internet mythology time! (blabla inutile)
Films do not "age".
In this case, what people judge with this stupid use of the verb has little to do with the movie "aging" and a lot with what is considered acceptable to show / tell in fictions (even if not promoted by them) and the (distorted) expectations of nowadays audience. Not an evolution, a progress or whatever "positive" or "negative", simply a change in trends.
Today, people (american people especially, but it made its way everywhere) expect a story to "judge" (a lack of judgement would be synonymous of promotion for them), even "punish" their characters for a behaviour X or a saying Y. Maybe they've been accustomed to this by contemporary films (since cinema in general is a slave to trends).