Stand by Mud
Dear Jeff, Je suis tombée tardivement dans les méandres de tes pellicules poussiéreuses, et je m’en excuse humblement. Après tes histoires de familles dans Shotgun Stories et ton immersion...
le 13 juin 2016
79 j'aime
Really nice initiation movie on the shores of the Mississipi. One follows the adventures of two modern Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer and their discovery of life, love and crime.
The theme is classical (young folks facing an escaping convict ) but this movie unfolds its scripts ni an impeccable manner, mixing first love with harsh realities of divorce, social critic (the parents) with behavioral studies, and the learning of morality (stealing, killing, these types of things) with passionnate love.
All this may seem somewhat academic, and in a sense it is true that the movie doesn't provide many surprises, the same way it does not refrain from using some easy short-cuts (the character plpyed by Sam Shepard -i love this actor - is quite a caricature). But in spite of this formatted aspect, the directing, the decor of the river, the acting (Tye Sheridan and McConaughey, amazing) and also the sympathy that Nichols creates between his characters (all linked to some extent to friendship, love or loyalty -even the "bad guys") , all of this makes a movie that works superbly, attracts our sympathy and engages even our leniency for the flaws and crimes of its characters.
The relation between father and son are central to the plot, which is going to elegantly blur and make interchangeangable the figures of the child and the adult. The relationship between men and women are placed under the harsh light of misunderstanding and deception: if the movie is touching, it is far from being naive.
This work does not ooze the surprising and elaborate quality of "Take Shelter", but it finds a truer echo inside us, as only a can create a story not unlike Mark Twain's own tales.
Very happy with this engaging and slow movie. I recommend it !
Cet utilisateur l'a également mis dans ses coups de cœur.
le 6 oct. 2015
Critique lue 287 fois
D'autres avis sur Mud - Sur les rives du Mississippi
Dear Jeff, Je suis tombée tardivement dans les méandres de tes pellicules poussiéreuses, et je m’en excuse humblement. Après tes histoires de familles dans Shotgun Stories et ton immersion...
le 13 juin 2016
79 j'aime
C'est mon premier Jeff Nichols. Et je m'en souviendrai. Moi qui voulais à tout pris commencer par Take Shelter, je me suis finalement régalé avec cette histoire magnifique mêlant une multitude de...
le 30 juin 2013
70 j'aime
Mud, c'est un film visuellement impeccable, qui invite avec une maestria rare à se plonger dans la torpeur boueuse des rives du Mississippi. Si vous avez comme moi été bercé par les histoires de Tom...
le 10 févr. 2014
67 j'aime
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1 j'aime
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le 17 oct. 2015
1 j'aime
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1 j'aime