All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette

All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette
All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette All work and no play makes Before a dull pandette

Je crois que la rédaction de toutes ces critiques commence à peser...


le 26 mars 2012

Critique lue 777 fois

14 j'aime

6 commentaires


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Critique lue 777 fois


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gninihS ehT ed euqitirc enu tse iceC

Shining est un sacré bon film d'horreur. Kubrick décide d'utiliser le moins d' effets faciles possible pour faire peur; comme le jump scare commun à beaucoup de films du genre(je crois qu'il y en a...

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