Vu sur RaiPlay, en hommage à Daria Nicolodi.

Terrible acting* and poor visuals/filming (TV-like)² are attenatuated by the direction (most of the time), the great suspense management it allows, the synth tracks (not as strong on their own as the Suspiria OST but a good support) and the nice buildings.
To be fair, the suspense is also maintained by a noticeable lack of logic from the film that will leave you keeping wondering who the killer is. Any of those characters (minor, major) can die, but any of them could also be behind those grotesque murders (always presented with fun).

Score: 5,5/10
Enjoyment: 4/5
This was supposedly the last thing Argento did before falling into the abysses of mediocrity but this is quite close to it.

*: sorry to write that when it was airing for the death of Daria Nicolodi (last November).
²: Not sure if this was intentional, as a way to emulate the old era of poor italian crime movies (known as giallo in some countries).

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