N'oubliez pas votre paracétamol ! (pas une critique!)

Vu au cinéma.

"Don't try to understand it. Feel it."

Nothing more than a Brosnan Bond with M:I level action relying on a nice little idea. But this scifi concept is only an excuse to offer "great" action scenes revolving around it when, as and how it suits the director.
Unlike some rumours have it, there is no difficulty to understand what is a basic action film. It prevents any real suspense, especially when most suspense elements are highlighted. You can even understand why Nolan chose to depict some elements as inverted during action scenes like the final raid, despite the lack of logic with his concept. Of course, it's cool (either the idea or the look of it when it's shown on screen).
Et ce son ! (il faut que ce réalisateur vire le type qui s'occupe du niveau sonore depuis Inception)
The picture has this typical digital taint.

About the actors: on one side you have Pattinson, on the other Branagh... son accent, ses répliques, ses mimiques... while the others are just okay bland figures.

One major problem of this kind of popcorn flick is to reach such a duration that you have exhausted and lost your audience somewhere along the ride. Since there is nothing to care about, only (supposedly) bombastic scenes tied with useless dialogues to make up some story, the film could have been shorter. The fact the last big scene is very unremarkable in this large showcase doesn't help either.

Score: 5/10
Plaisir: 1/5 (cela n'aurait pas été si négatif sans les coups tonitruants pris en pleine tronche)

Pour citer un autre anonyme:

Half the dialogue is exposition. The soundtrack goes BRRRRM. You will forget the entire thing on the drive home.
A film by Christopher Nolan.

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Cet utilisateur l'a également ajouté à ses listes Les meilleurs films de Christopher Nolan et Les meilleurs films avec Kenneth Branagh


le 5 sept. 2020

Critique lue 177 fois

1 j'aime

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 177 fois


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