Vu sur ARTE, revu sur France Télévision pour Cannes.

As usual with this director, a good core concept to talk about society but the image is expressed more clearly for once. The absurd comedy in closed environment, with an excellent "horror" soundtrack, makes the point of the importance still given to coupling in our era, succeeding in being very funny all the while (a first for Lanthimos).
The only downside would be the acting (from a great cast): while it is an integral part of the comedy, it also makes the characters look anormally apathetic in a life or death situation.

The problem comes when the film, reaching mid-point, has little left to say and so decides to show the opposite side of the ideological (and armed) conflict. On the one hand, it finds there an entirely new subject: radicalism born out of the resistance to extremism. On the other hand, it does not really serves the initial speech, not connecting with it (except as this useless mirror), and makes one of the biggest errors when it comes to cinema: hiring Léa Seydoux! Still, the shots of the forest populated by ex-singles passing by in the background offer a (very light) incentive to suffer through them.

Score: 6/10
Enjoyment: 4->2/5

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Cet utilisateur l'a également ajouté à ses listes Les meilleurs films avec Colin Farrell et Les meilleurs films de Yórgos Lánthimos


le 7 août 2021

Critique lue 55 fois

Rei Ayanami

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Critique lue 55 fois

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