Vu sur France 5, Place au cinéma.
Palme d'Or, Cannes 1966.
Prettily shoot, charming (big) stars with a rather funny and touching Trintignant and a bit bland Anouk Aimée, a sweet story that doesn't devolve into romantic melodrama, with a lot of room left for side discussions and cute kids involved (leading to one fine scene in particular).
But the constant switches from B&W to colours and reverse*, the way some things are filmed or played (some scenes seem to come straight out of a car races docu-fiction, another one from an old comedy, etc)... this weird incoherent "style" sounds like a desperate call for the Nouvelle Vague Lelouch could never be a part of. As much love for cinema it demonstrates, it also reeks of storyteller inability.
Score: 5~7/10
Enjoyment: 2~3/5
It would probably be the worst Palme d'Or I've ever seen, if it wasn't for Ducournau's.
"Claude a raconté que le passage de la couleur au noir et blanc était lié à l'émotion des personnages...en fait, on avait pas de lampes&éclairages pour compenser baisse de luminosité" ― JL. Trintignant (last year for a TV doc)