A very good movie.

One starts with a trivial coincidence :a man, in charge of an orphanage in India, goes back to Denmark to finalize a sponsoring deal and finds himself invited to a wedding, where he stumbles upon his ex-wife. then the movie builds more serious links (surprises, family issues, death even etc...) and the director focuses on the feelings that spring from those issues. Somber moments alternate with lighter ones, as we get to understand the complicated situation at hand. This movie really makes good use of its actors, which entails surprising behaviours for someone like myself who is not too aware of the danish temperament. The characters, somewhat cold at thestart, become more and more endearing, as the script confronts them with more delicate situations.

No baddies ou good guys in this movie, but men and women facing their demons and others'. It is actually a limitation of that film, which accumulate too many drama twists, to the risk of losing the patience of its audience. However the talent of the actors and the sober tone are such as to let us fascinated by the story.

Mads Mikkelsen, is quite impressive in the part of the stubborned humanist faced with an unexpected parenthood. His very (too much?) cold composure melts down to a warmer demeanour and as the movie is not deprived of humour, one observes his dilemma without excessive morosity. His relationship with a little Indian orphan is alsoq uite a touching moment in the movie.

A well-thought out movie full of emotion (and tension) that you can watch with pleasure and interest, I recommend it ! :-)

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le 21 oct. 2015

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