Restauration revue sur ARTE à l'occasion de l'hommage à Belmondo.
Expensively gorgeous (in all the ways) period piece with Belmondo (unsurprisingly) playing a young man set against the bourgeoisie (just look at the director and writers involved). This rather distanced film, as meticulous as the thieves it introduces, is one of those rare occasions for the actor to offer a sensible performance.
This 1967 attack on this well-off milieu consists primarily in a series of pleasant encounters, first with a rather delicious thief priest, later with a friendly bourgeois wife (played by Marie Dubois) who would ultimately reveal herself as petty and enamoured in money as the others, etc. Even the always charming Charles Denner makes an appearance as an escaped bandit who lost his mind.
Comes served with a stream of french actresses from the 60s, in more or less small roles.
Score: 6,5/10
Enjoyment: 4/5
The novel is probably better, but this is more than fine.
« Ne ronge pas tes ongles.
Si tu aimes les ongles, ronge ceux des autres. Les tiens sont ta propriété, et tu dois la respecter. »